Where are the workers?

I know you’ve seen it too, all the complaints about how people just don’t want to work. Complaints about people being lazy, or making too much not working to go back. I read an article this morning that prompted me to do some research. First of all, “Where are all the workers?” Well, 730k+ peopleContinue reading “Where are the workers?”

October, Week 3: News spreadsheet

Here is the link to the spreadsheet with all the news I posted from this week, and some I didn’t. It probably doesn’t mean much to you all, but, it’s searchable for me, and that is what I need. And, since I already did the work, I can share it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1egIVQUDPRfNsDDlQto0dNOAZPcHjaEwi/view?usp=sharing