All the News, November 2021- Week 4

Good morning! Can you believe there are only 4 more weekly roundup posts before 2022? I am working on some things right now, so I can hopefully transition away from Facebook a little more for 2022. I wouldn’t mind following their rules, but they aren’t clear and are completely arbitrary. My sense of humor doesn’tContinue reading “All the News, November 2021- Week 4”

Mainstream Cesspool, part 2

I know I mentioned elections in a previous post and said I would expound on this later. November 2021, Week 3 brings us headlines like this ‘Terrifying for American democracy’: is Trump planning for a 2024 coup? Reuters unmasks Trump supporters who terrified U.S. election officials FBI Raids Home of GOP Election Official Linked toContinue reading “Mainstream Cesspool, part 2”

The Cesspool Becomes Mainstream

Two weeks ago, there were 20 articles that I thought were appropriate for the “cesspool” label. 20 articles in 6 days. For some on the right, it’s time to revisit book banning (and burning) A woman recalls the deadly car attack at the Charlottesville rally organizers’ trial Neo-Nazis Are Trying to Hijack the ‘Unite theContinue reading “The Cesspool Becomes Mainstream”

All the News, November 2021, Week 3

This was a rough week, a lot of news, and a lot of it bad. It was a big win for Biden and infrastructure, and hopefully for the rest of us. However, it was a big loss for anyone who isn’t an extremist gun nut. I’m very anxious to see both how the Unite theContinue reading “All the News, November 2021, Week 3”

The Extremist Next Door

I have been sharing the info spread sheets for a little while now, I think I finally have it sorted out how I want it. It’s making it easier for me to find things later, and notice patterns. And, really, that is how this all got started, I’m good at noticing patterns, but when IContinue reading “The Extremist Next Door”

November 2021: Week 1

Here is all the articles from last week. I changed my “posted” key a little bit. When I use TinyURL, it keeps track of how many clicks an article gets. So, I wanted to be able to look quickly and see just where all those clicks were coming from. Anyway, I do all this workContinue reading “November 2021: Week 1”