2021 Year In Review

2021 ends today, and not a moment too soon. Let’s take a review of some of the big headlines from the year. The president incited a riot at the US Capitol during the certification of the presidential election. Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States. Kamala Harris became the firstContinue reading “2021 Year In Review”

All the News: Final week, December 2021

The last “All the News” for 2021! Finally. Thanks for sticking with me and getting your news from me for the last year. I am grateful to all of you. I hope everyone had a nice holiday. Ours was nice. I have an 18 yr old kid now, so, that’s weird. And, since we celebratedContinue reading “All the News: Final week, December 2021”

All the News, December 2021: Week 3

This week is short a news day. Saturday I took off so we could celebrate Christmas with the kids. Divorce and shared custody means I gave up on Dec. 25th a long time ago and now we have Christmas on the Saturday before. Then, we go hiking on the 25th. Oh, I think I’m offContinue reading “All the News, December 2021: Week 3”

Unintended Pregnancy

As things are heating up in the Supreme Court, and abortion rights are threatened, there is some good news. The FDA has approved abortion pills by mail. You no longer have to pick them up in person. Covid is responsible for pushing this through. A medical abortion is a two pill process. You take mifepristoneContinue reading “Unintended Pregnancy”

Correlation or Causation

The right-wing cesspools so desperately want you to believe their “facts”, even when they aren’t facts at all. One thing I have noticed is that they like to overwhelm with information, then tell you to do your own research, knowing you aren’t going to be able to fact check every single thing they say. EspeciallyContinue reading “Correlation or Causation”

Where are all the workers Part 2

I had previously written a post titled “Where are all the workers?” I stand by everything I said in that post, however, one thing that keeps coming up for me is just how many women have left the work force. We are coming up on year 3 of this whole covid thing, and seeing howContinue reading “Where are all the workers Part 2”

All the News, December 2021: Week 1

First week of December over with. Do you celebrate any holidays this time of year? All decorated yet? We are, but we celebrate Christmas a week early, so I tend to stay a little ahead of schedule. I am both pleased and slightly concerned with how short the cesspool category is last week. Are thingsContinue reading “All the News, December 2021: Week 1”