Smartest Person in the Room: June 28, 2022

I’m really happy with this post. You should read it.

Smartest Person in the Room June 27, 2022

Today is one of those days the news changes as fast as I can type a snarky comment. My Facebook ban is over tomorrow. But, THN has been unpublished, so, I’ll need to figure out if it’s coming back at all or just as a way to direct people elsewhere, or if I tell FacebookContinue reading “Smartest Person in the Room June 27, 2022”

All the news June 25, 2022

This week was a bad week for freedom and America. Not gonna lie. I guess we have thrown out Miranda, made it easier to carry weapons for no reason, decided to use tax payer money to fund religious schools, with no requirements for them to be fair, decided you can be kicked off your insuranceContinue reading “All the news June 25, 2022”

Today’s Info Dump June 23, 2022

Good morning, I am still trying to figure out what to do with THN, and that means I’m throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. Fortunately, I didn’t have to start from scratch everywhere. Unfortunately, I didn’t do as much work on the back end as I should have. So, here is theContinue reading “Today’s Info Dump June 23, 2022”

And Just Like that THN on Facebook is Gone

I shared the cesspool post, the first time I had the mental capacity to do so in a couple weeks, and even though I CLEARLY state on every screenshot I do not support or endorse anything in the pictures, there was a threat of violence in one of them, toward a vague group of people,Continue reading “And Just Like that THN on Facebook is Gone”

Screenshots that upset the bots

I’ve been posting more pics on Facebook, which means I’m getting more slaps on the wrists because a picture of Spongebob wasn’t fact checked to their liking. So, here we are. Where I can make a point with satire and sarcasm.Let’s go.Save and share at your own risk.

News I don’t hate: June 2022, week 1

Time for news I don’t hate! From bricks to bags to eco art: six innovative uses for plastic waste around the world A team of women collect plastic bags and bottles from the streets and dumps. It is washed, dried and processed into a sustainable leather-like material to be made into backpacks, shopping bags andContinue reading “News I don’t hate: June 2022, week 1”