Cesspool: The More things Change the More they Stay the Same

I started watching the US and the Holocaust, the new Ken Burns documentary on Monday morning. Thinking I could have it on while I worked. But, I kept hearing things that sounded like they could have been said today. So, it took me a couple days to get through the 2 hour part 1, andContinue reading “Cesspool: The More things Change the More they Stay the Same”

Cesspool Open Swim: September 14, 2022

Today, the cesspool will educate you on how Covid was engineered to kill old people. Dive in. Hold your nose. Was the long covid also supposed to help cut costs? Why? Got any proof John? Yeah, didn’t think so. Communism and socialism are two different things, Ma’am. And that fact y’all don’t understand that makesContinue reading “Cesspool Open Swim: September 14, 2022”

Cesspool Open Swim: September 13, 2022

I had screenshots saved from yesterday to use today. But, I checked it out anyway, and changed the topic for today. Today we have a bunch of tough guys who “unlike you snowflakes aren’t so easily offended” offended by, a children’s movie. Somebody wanna tell them there are no mermaids in reality? Don’t they haveContinue reading “Cesspool Open Swim: September 13, 2022”

Cesspool open swim: September 12, 2022

Thank you for joining me today, where we learn that…only republican teens have jobs? Having a job is anti- white people? What I need you to know here, is there was a photo included at the bottom of this post. Of a 14 yr old girl, dropping a bag of trash in a dumpster. SheContinue reading “Cesspool open swim: September 12, 2022”

Cesspool Open Swim: September 7, 2022

Today is a very important day, if you are tired of hearing about how the Democrats are too divisive. There is no hate quite like Christian love. Had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Sometimes somebody TRIES to save them. The use of finely here really had me questioning everything I knew aboutContinue reading “Cesspool Open Swim: September 7, 2022”

Cesspool Open Swim: September 5, 2022

There are two headlines the conservatives are mad about.One, is that California plans too phase out sales of gas-powered cars (by 2035, I believe?)And the other is that this last weekend, there was a massive heatwave out west, and California asked residents to conserve power. And obviously, these stories have everything to do with eachContinue reading “Cesspool Open Swim: September 5, 2022”