Cesspool Open Swim- Gardening for People Who Can’t Read

I have to start this cesspool post with a website link. The People’s Garden This is an initiative that has been around since 2009. This is a government program, that is not required for anyone. There are a few requirements a garden has to meet before it can be registered with the program. Benefit theContinue reading “Cesspool Open Swim- Gardening for People Who Can’t Read”

News I Don’t Hate- December 2022

It is the holiday season, so many of you will be spending time with family. Feel free to use these stories to distract or defuse, or show the kids the funny pics so they can ask a million questions and Uncle Joe can’t continue to talk about MAGA stuff. You’re welcome. Jabal: the new wheatContinue reading “News I Don’t Hate- December 2022”

The News That Didn’t Make it: December 12-17

First of all, I just wanted to give y’all a reminder ————————>>>>>>> You’re welcome. I shared that I think the problem I’m having on Facebook is I share too many links and it has decided I’m a bot, spamming myself, so, I am trying to share less than 30 links in the info dump, but,Continue reading “The News That Didn’t Make it: December 12-17”