Weird World, Last one for 2023!

Of course I looked it up to double check before I shared. This is true! Answers to 25 big questions about the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree #23 “The tree goes from providing Christmas joy to providing housing. When the tree is taken down, it is laid in Rockefeller Plaza to be cut up and takenContinue reading “Weird World, Last one for 2023!”

Weird World Weekend- Christmas 2023

There are some interesting stories this week, mostly involving animals that live in water. But, here is a story to back up the photo. Newfies Help Bring Trees To Cars At Pennsylvania Farm’s Newfoundland Christmas Tree Pull Now, on to the rest of the news. Canadian researcher cracks 135-year-old ‘unsolvable’ code The pure depth ofContinue reading “Weird World Weekend- Christmas 2023”

Weird World December 15, 2023

I promise you, nobody wants you to make this. The “Not quiet news” I found this week. Let’s start off with some weird holiday news. Unique ways Americans celebrate the holidays, from skiing Santas to Festivus feats And across the country, many people will be celebrating with less conventional — but no less beloved —Continue reading “Weird World December 15, 2023”

Weird World, December 4-9, 2023

Weird World Weekend! Stories of not quite news that I found interesting. Here is the article for the header photo. Why is this bird drawing people from far and wide to downtown Corpus Christi? But they’re actually here to see another tourist to the area – one that’s never before been seen in North America:Continue reading “Weird World, December 4-9, 2023”

Weird World Weekend: Welcome to December 2023

My favorite work day, weird world weekend. The storied that aren’t quite news. Headlines to make you say “Wait, what?” Thieves steal 12 French bulldogs worth $100,000 from pet store “The shop’s owner, Andres Avalos, told KTLA that the 12 dogs are worth a combined $100,000, but he is more worried about the dogs’ safetyContinue reading “Weird World Weekend: Welcome to December 2023”