Project 2025: Department of Labor, Part 2

We are over the halfway point, thankfully, because this is draining. It’s just the same nonsense spouted over and over again. But I think it is important to show people what the nonsense is. Follow along HERE We will pick up where we left off on page 593. Here they talk about how “guidance” isContinue reading “Project 2025: Department of Labor, Part 2”

Project 2025: Chapter 18, Department of Labor

Chapter 18: Department of Labor and Related Agencies Jonathan Berry You can follow along with the chapter HERE Let me introduce you to Mr Berry. His track record includes helping to deny guaranteed overtime pay to millions of workers and making it harder for workers to hold companies accountable for actions taken by individual stores,Continue reading “Project 2025: Chapter 18, Department of Labor”

Project 2025: Department of Justice, Part 2

You can follow along with Project 2025 Here Ensuring Proper Enforcement and Administration of Our Immigration Laws. Did you know, basically the DOJ has done nothing about immigration, except during the Trump administration? Anything is possible when you lie. First of all, they want to make sure to push protection for immigration offenses. They want toContinue reading “Project 2025: Department of Justice, Part 2”

Project 2025: The Department of Justice; Part One

Chapter 17: Department of Justice Gene Hamilton Let’s get familiar with Gene Hamilton real quick. He served in the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland security under Trump. He played key roles in ending DACA and creating the “zero tolerance” family separation policy. I feel like this little writer intros really give aContinue reading “Project 2025: The Department of Justice; Part One”

Project 2025: Page 417-427

Chapter 13: Environmental Protection Agency Mandy M. Gunasekara Real quick look up on Mandy. 1: she is a Christian, and 2: doesn’t think voting laws should apply to her. I just don’t think this chapter is going to be real big on funding the EPA. Let’s see. A conservative EPA will track success by measuredContinue reading “Project 2025: Page 417-427”

Project 2025: Pages 384-394

We are still working on Chapter 12. Follow along here: Project 2025 I’m assuming these next 10 pages will be more about how we don’t need that office, get rid of it, and if you can’t, defund it. ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY–ENERGY (ARPA–E) New Policies Eliminate ARPA-E. The next Administration should work with Congress to eliminateContinue reading “Project 2025: Pages 384-394”

Project 2025: 350-361

Here is the last part of Chapter 11. I tried to write yesterday, and all the Project 2025 mandate was unavailable! If you click on my old links, they don’t work. Trojan Spouse looked at it and said it’s either a coding error or somebody didn’t pay their Amazon Hosting bill. So, I had toContinue reading “Project 2025: 350-361”

Project 2025: 330-340

Today we continue with Chapter 11, the Department of Education. You can follow along with the chapter here Project 2025 Additional Bureaus and Offices Attorneys, accountants, experts, and specialists in the department’s remaining offices subject to closure, and whose positions are indispensable to serving the mission, should have the opportunity to join other agencies. PageContinue reading “Project 2025: 330-340”

Project 2025: 319-329

Department of Education Lindsey M. Burke Meet Lindsey, she is on the advisory board for a network of public charter schools. I’m sure she will remain unbiased. You can follow along with this chapter here Project 2025 Mission Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated. PageContinue reading “Project 2025: 319-329”

Project 2025: 299-310

You can read along with Project 2025 here: Project 2025 Today we start with Reform SNAP Food stamps are designed to be supplemented by other forms of income—whether through paid employment or nonprofit support. Page 299 If SNAP isn’t enough for you, why don’t you go to a food bank? “The next administration should:” Re-implement workContinue reading “Project 2025: 299-310”