Project 2025: Department of Labor, Part 2

We are over the halfway point, thankfully, because this is draining. It’s just the same nonsense spouted over and over again. But I think it is important to show people what the nonsense is.

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We will pick up where we left off on page 593.

Here they talk about how “guidance” is tricky and used for good and bad. They want less government, but more laws and less guidance.

They want guidance to exist, but, not have it used in anyway.

On Page 594, they want small businesses exempt from guidance and regulation.

The labor agencies should exercise their available discretion and duties under the Regulatory Flexibility Act to exempt small entities from regulations where possible. -Page 594

Education and Vocational Training


I agree we do need more apprenticeships, however, they want to create more by getting rid of the requirements for them. Apparently, not having to worry about healthcare for your employees would help create more apprenticeships.

In addition, religious organizations should be encouraged to participate in apprenticeship programs. America has a long history of religious organizations working to advance the dignity of workers and provide them with greater opportunity, from the many prominent Christian and Jewish voices in the early labor movement to the “labor priests” who would appear on picket lines to support their flocks. Today, the role of religion in helping workers has diminished, but a country committed to strengthening civil society must ask more from religious organizations and make sure that their important role is not impeded by regulatory roadblocks or the bureaucratic status quo. -Page 595

So, they want churches encouraging unions? Because that’s how I’m reading this.

Hazard- Order Regulations

Some young adults show an interest in inherently dangerous jobs. Current rules forbid many young people, even if their family is running the business, from working in such jobs. -Page 595

Yes, because for too long we forced kids who didn’t know better in to these jobs. And BECAUSE they are dangerous, they pay more. So when your family is struggling that is a really good incentive to quit school and get trapped in this cycle.

Workforce Training Grant Program.

To qualify, a program—whether run by the employer, an industry consortium, a community college, or a union—would need to define program length, curriculum, career path, and credential and to report regularly on outcomes for participants. Programs that fail to deliver promised results would be disqualified from continued funding. Funding for employer grants should come from existing higher education subsidies that are currently disadvantaging alternative education options. -Page 596

They want to help these people by harming those people.

Why is it always all or nothing with these people?

Federal “BA Box.”

The country produces more college graduates than suitable jobs for them to fill. Meanwhile, employers exacerbate the problem, fueling demand for college by needlessly requiring degrees for many jobs. -Page 596

I do actually agree with this. Trojan Spouse does the hiring for a specific role in his company and you do not need a degree. He’s very vocal about it. However, he cannot get HR to list the job without the requirement. If you apply anyway, with relevant experience, he will follow up, but, just that line stops SO MANY people.

This section goes on to explain that jobs that don’t actually NEED a BA degree should be banned from asking for them, AND that is is not the government’s job to control what companies want.

Review employment and training programs to ensure outcome- based metrics. DOL and other federal agencies with jurisdiction over employment and training programs should review their programs and utilize all available tools and authority to ensure these programs contain strong outcome-based metrics. To the extent that agencies have this authority, they should reevaluate funding for programs that do not meet those evidence-based and outcomes-based requirements. Finally, strong internal policies should be implemented to ensure bad-actor grantees are identified and sanctioned expeditiously.– Page 597

Guidance and regulation are bad, but if you don’t meet these undefined things then you do not get funding.

On page 598 we have “unemployment insurance=good, Covid aid=bad.


Non-Union Worker Voice and Representation

Page 599, the writer insists people don’t want unions, they want to work WITH their managers for change. They want the next administration to come up with new ideas to make this happen.

This chapter has a lot of “alternative views” which the previous chapters did not, and those are the exact opposite of the main point. So, I don’t know what they actually want to accomplish here. Because the “alternative view” here is yes unions.

They go on to say we need more union transparency, which is interesting because they want union leaders to have to follow disclosure rules our lawmakers and Supreme Court don’t.

Unions have a duty of fair representation to their members, yet they too often abuse that duty to use their members’ resources on left-wing culture-war issues that are unrelated, and in fact often harmful, to union members’ own interests. -Page 600

Reminder, “left-wing culture war issues” that workers don’t care about, pay, overtime, marriage benefits, maternity leave…

The writer wants a “more reasonable definition of protected concert activity”, so they want to make it harder to unionize.

This section has a lot about unions, and how they want to help make them better, but, it sure doesn’t seem like that is actually the end goal here.

That is it for today, thanks for reading!

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